Anxious? How meditation may help

Nov 29, 2022
Anxious? How meditation may help

JAMA Psychiatry recently published a study showing the effectiveness of daily meditation in reducing symptoms of anxiety. When they compared daily meditation to a specific anti-anxiety medication, they found that the two modalities worked equally well in reducing debilitating symptoms of anxiety. I’m not sharing this to suggest you use meditation in lieu of medication (if you’re taking medication, please continue to take it and talk with your prescribing physician before making changes). I’m sharing because this study is highlighting the value of meditation in helping reduce symptoms of anxiety. It’s something I have experienced in my own practice, and in my work with clients who have anxiety. 

Meditation is a subtle practice that supports you in multiple ways:

  • It helps your nervous system move from fight or flight to rest and digest more easily over time, and helps you remain in rest and digest for longer periods
  • Through meditation you become more aware of your thoughts as an observer. You connect with your three meditative minds ~ weighing information through the filter of your risk taking or projective mind and your conservative or protective mind, before making decisions or responding through your meditative or neutral mind
  • Your breath slows as you focus on it during your practice. This slows your thoughts which increases your awareness and knowledge of self. Through this you attune to your inner compass knowing your desires, needs and direction
  • Instead of worrying about the past or your future, you’re able to dwell in the present. Even if this is only for brief moments, you experience the relief of being fully present with yourself


Daily practice is what takes you there. And meditation IS practice. Think of anything you’ve practiced in your life - whether it’s a sport, music, or cooking. Some practices are outstanding, others stink, others are so-so - but there’s always a lesson for you in that practice. Meditation practice works the same way. Through consistency, you gain a sense of calm and clarity that didn’t exist before. 


To begin your meditation practice:

  1. Commit to practicing daily. It all starts here! Write in your journal why you’re committing to a daily meditation practice. Refer back to your why regularly to remind yourself. 
  2. Choose a meditation to practice. Our free Stress & Anxiety Mini-Course has five for you to choose from. I recommend the AUM meditation, the humming this mantra meditation produces helps stimulate your vagus nerve creating a calming effect.
  3. Determine how long you’re going to meditate. I recommend picking a time that you can commit to daily. Three minutes of daily meditation beats 30 minutes of here and there meditation. Start with three or five minutes - you can always build from there. 
  4. Schedule your practice. Block out the time on your calendar. Treat it as your most important appointment. Do not cancel or reschedule! I recommend practicing first thing in the morning. It will help you set your day and connect with yourself before the busyness begins. 

Starting today means 30 days of meditation under your belt before the end of the year! You will be well on your way to feeling more calm, clear, and confident as you head into 2023.

With love, 

P.S.  Here’s a link to the article about the JAMA Psychiatry study


(much like this blog post!)