Relaxation creates miracles. Not worry.

Aug 11, 2020


"Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax." -David Allen



Consider the idea that you have enough time in the day to get everything truly important done without rushing, and without sacrificing the important stuff that you'd care about on your deathbed.

I considered this seriously, and I continue to. 

I use it as a self-coaching tool when I feel like I don’t have enough time in the day, or when I feel overwhelmed, under-appreciated, and powerless (meaning I can’t get anything to go the way I want it to).
I look at: 

  • how I work with and relate to others
    how much I take on
    the quality of what I take on to get to my desired result (and do I know what my desired result is?)
    and if what I’m doing contains self-care. Self Care can mean getting enough sleep, but it also means doing the stuff I think I dread, that, in the end, takes me a step closer to the greatness that I don’t often feel worthy of. 

Through this process, I get better at...

  • Asking for help instead of hoarding the work. 
  • Knowing who to ask and who not to. 
  • Understanding that when I get caught up in fear (or second guessing), I complicate things. I focus on the wrong work, and I start to think I need to DO and BE MORE to be worthy. 
  • Not spending a ton of effort proving or explaining myself, and spending less time with those that ask me to.
  • Operating with a healthy dose of urgency without burning myself out. 
  • Pacing myself. 
  • Knowing when to hold or drop a 'commitment.'
  • Saying NO and YES to the right things at the right time.  
  • Loving myself.

When I feel like I'm not managing my time well, or am feeling burnt out, I re-evaluate where I’m choosing to say yes and no. I re-evaluate what am I doing this for? Why am I lingering so long here?
With whatever I decide, I remind myself to relax deep into it instead of worry about it. 



I've been in some tricky circumstances in my life, financially, and in theory, without resources. In theory, because during this time that I lost so much (from the outside looking in), I realize in hindsight that I had two priceless resources that I wouldn’t trade for anything: 

  1. an ability to quickly snap out of worry, and
  2. an ability to reach out and listen to my mentors.  

They told me not to worry without hard, overwhelming evidence that I should.

And if that evidence emerged, they told me to do something about it instead of worrying.

Then when can I worry? ...was met with a smile. 

I think of emergency situations where you don't have the luxury to worry. Like when you have to quickly swerve into the next lane to avoid a car accident. All you have is a split decision to act on it. Your intuition and ability to act is all you've got. You can't decide if there's a better way. Second guesses cost you. Worry is a luxury item with a sin tax. 

It makes life hard. Creativity gets blocked, and frustration and overwhelm takes over. It's impossible to relax. 

When I stop worrying and relax into my life - not just into the sweet indulgences, but all of it - the "chaos," uncertainty, the tedious stuff I like to worry about instead of face and take the 15 minutes to get it over with... what I worried about gets handled. 

Like a miracle, the sea parts. 

That’s how I experience it anyway. 



(much like this blog post!)