Stop using meditation as pain relief

Oct 04, 2022
Stop using meditation as pain relief

If you’ve found meditation doesn’t work for you, consider how you’re using it. 


Are you using meditation like Tylenol for a headache, or like your daily multivitamin? 


How you use it makes a big difference. 


When you use meditation in response to a stressor, it’s like playing in an NBA basketball game without practicing shooting hoops first. It’s gonna be hard. And, you may be conditioning yourself to associate meditation with being stressed which could make you feel more stressed, and make deep breathing and meditation more difficult (if not impossible). 


When you use meditation as your daily multivitamin, you’re using it as a supplement to support and enhance your health and well-being. As a result, it calms your nervous system, gives you clarity, deepens your connection to yourself, and generates sustained energy. The bonus is that because you’re practicing meditation - when you are stressed, you can more easily access deep breaths - calming your nervous system and reducing stress. 


If you’re ready to embrace a (short) practice that will give you the energy you need to thrive, click the button below to download our 3 Step Guide to Generating Sustained Energy so you can feel energized throughout the day, every day. 


With love,



(much like this blog post!)