The holidays are coming, what’s that mean for you?

Nov 01, 2021
The holidays are coming, what’s that mean for you?

As you look ahead to the last two months of the year, and the start of the holiday season… how are you feeling? 

For some of you, this may be a cozy time of year for baking, spending time with family, and reflecting on your year. 

And for some of you, the increased darkness may bring on Seasonal Affective Disorder, the cold brings the desire to hibernate and the holidays feel heavy - perhaps because of the passing of a loved one, an estranged relationship, or a sense that you aren’t where you wanted to be. Maybe you're feeling depressed, tired or any combination of what’s listed above. 

For years, I white knuckled it through the holidays. As a child, I experienced an emotional trauma as a child on Thanksgiving day which manifested in my neck as an adult. For years, my neck would stiffen up just before Thanksgiving. Twice, I was totally immobilized and spent the day in bed. Nothing was helping. 

I’m estranged from my immediate family, and for years I cringed when someone asked what we're doing for the holidays. I felt shame about the estrangement and fearful of judgement. From the days before Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, I withdrew, didn’t want to deal, and waited for it to be over. 

With right effort, things changed. Thanks to daily meditation practice, supportive friends, and therapy. I've used these tools to process and digest my experiences, release trauma, connect with my emotions & inner voice, and heal. My neck doesn't bother me on Thanksgiving anymore and my husband and I have created our own cozy, nourishing seasonal rituals. 
My nervous system is strong which allows me to embrace the dark mornings and evenings, and I've learned the cold showers really do help me tolerate the cold weather. 

If this time of year is magical for you - I celebrate that magic with you. 
And if this time is challenging - know that I’m holding space for you. 

With all of this in mind, we are already planning our next 40 day challenge to lift your mood, nourish and energize you for the remaining weeks of the year. 

Our next 40 day challenge beings on Monday, November 22 with the Surya Kriya. The timing of this challenge is perfect as it will carry us through the end of the year, ending on December 31. Surya Kriya is a short, complete set where you cultivate your inner sun energy to elevate your mood and energize and restore your body, mind and spirit. We regularly offer this practice around solstice time so we thought this was the perfect 40 day to close out the year. Clients who’ve practiced this kriya for 40 days have shared that they feel less depressed, have an elevated mood, and feel more optimistic by the end of the 40 days. We’ll be sharing more on this soon, but if you already know you’re in - email us and let us know

Seasonally, the coming months are time for reflection and introspection. 
Use your practice to stay connected in with yourself and to support you. It's a valuable resource, expect that it serves you. 

With love and deep gratitude, 



(much like this blog post!)