The ideal and the real

Dec 06, 2022
The ideal and the real

There’s the ideal and the real. 


The ideal may be waking up before the rest of the household so you can meditate in peace. 

The real may be listening to mantra music on your way to work. 


The ideal may be going for a run during your lunch break. 

The real may be standing versus sitting through one of your virtual meetings. 



The ideal may be to bake beautiful and delicious cookies to share at a holiday gathering. 

The real may be to stop for cookies at the grocery store on your way to the party. 



The ideal may be to regularly lean into your inner coach reframing your critical thoughts into supportive ones, with ease. 

The real may be one daily reminder from your inner coach. 


You know the ideal (we see you Pinterest & Instagram), give yourself permission to live the real.
Here’s something real you can set up for yourself (now) to create a mantra that empowers your inner coach by shifting your thoughts from critical to supportive:

  • Identify one thing you struggle with about yourself that you’d like to change. For example, I struggle with being vulnerable.
  • Create a counter-statement. This is a statement from your inner coach that offers an alternative to the struggle you're experiencing. Mine would be, I am vulnerable. (keep it simple)
  • Create a reminder for yourself so you see your counter-statement daily -
    • Write it on a post-it and put the note where you'll see it daily like above a light switch in your bedroom or next to the bathroom mirror, or
    • Create a daily alarm on your phone. I like the alarm because I pair mine with a song I love to help me dwell in the message for a moment. And, no matter where I am, as long as I have my phone, I'll get my coach's message  


This practice takes one minute to set up for yourself. The benefits are powerful, influential, and lasting. With it, you’re creating a mantra for yourself, empowering your inner coach, re-coding negative/debilitating self-talk, and reminding yourself, daily, of your desires and who you truly are. Take the time to set this up for yourself now. Make this statement your personal daily mantra. 


With love,



P.S. The image is what my daily coaching reminder looks like. (I love the line I am vulnerable, every day - it's a nice psychic boost!) Email me, and share yours, I’d love to see it!


(much like this blog post!)