Deal with it or get dealt with

Sep 07, 2021
Deal with it or get dealt with

When you’re feeling stuck or blocked, stop and acknowledge it. 
You don’t have to “push through”, ignore it, or send it to the back of your mind to deal with later. 

Later is never convenient. 
Later is disruptive. 
Later rarely helps the situation. 

Take time now to sit with what you’re feeling, what you’re experiencing. 
If you’re busy and think you have no time, set a timer for 10 minutes. Turn off your phone, close your laptop, and close the door. Just sit with yourself and breathe. 
Acknowledge what’s coming up for you and any of the emotions associated with it. 
Ask yourself, “What do I need?”, then take an action to meet your need, even if only to acknowledge it exists. 
When your timer goes off, have a sip of water, and get back to work. 

Deal with it now or it will deal with you later. 


(much like this blog post!)