Find out what you can do when you commit to you

Mar 28, 2023
Find out what you can do when you commit to you

When I found this practice in 2007, I was inspired by the teachings around having a 40 day practice. Forty days seemed like a hard, but doable challenge, and I wanted to create the habit of practicing yoga & meditation daily. I jumped into my first 40 day practice right away. By the end of that 40 days, I felt physically and mentally stronger, and I was in less pain and distress. Needless to say, I was ready for the next one. 

At the time, my teacher shared that she was practicing Sat Kriya and invited us to join her. I took this on as my next 40 day practice. Sat Kriya is a one exercise kriya (yoga set) that helps you strengthen your nervous and digestive systems. As someone who experienced digestive issues throughout my life, and who came to this practice under a great deal of job-related stress - this sounded perfect for me. 

As I practiced this kriya, I felt the posture working on my nervous system - putting myself under intentional pressure in the safety of my yoga mat, I leaned into  the mantra to work through tantrums. The rhythmic abdominal movement felt like a massage for my digestive organs. The simple mantra Sat Nam helped me focus my mind, connect with my inner knowing/truth, and created sacred space for healing. Many days felt like a therapy session on that mat, and many days were a celebration. 

If any of this speaks to you, I invite you to our Sat Kriya challenge. Commit to practicing daily for 40 days for 3 to 31 minutes, and lean into us and others in the challenge for accountability and support. 

We have three options to participate in the challenge: 

  1. Join our free community. Then, click here and comment under the Sat Kriya Challenge post and let us know you’re in! 
  2. Level up with HLF Self Practice. Watch the tutorial, and practice with the video on your own time, anywhere. 
  3. Become a member and practice live with others in the community at 6am Monday through Friday via Zoom. 

Commit to yourself. Choose the option that works best for you. And start your 40 day practice today. Find out what you can create for yourself in just 40 days of consistent practice. 

With love,


(much like this blog post!)