How to strengthen your aura and increase connection

Jul 11, 2023

The numerology of July brings our focus to strength and expansiveness.  In Yogic Anatomy, the 7 relates to the seventh body, the Aura, and the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, your crown chakra at the top of your head. 

Your aura is your protective force field which can expand nine feet all around you. When you’re feeling uncertain or indecisive go to your aura for guidance, she’s your trusted friend and confidant. Think of your aura as the expanded version of your intuition. 

Your crown chakra is your connection with the Infinite, it connects you with the Divine so you can connect with the experience that we are all one. Your aura protects you and keeps you mentally, physically, and emotionally strong and healthy. Your crown chakra is limitless and connective, keeping you spiritually healthy. These two energy bodies make a powerful combination. 

Use the strength of your aura and crown to check in with yourself and help you discern what you desire to say yes to.

If you identify as a “people pleaser” or find yourself impulsively saying yes, and later regretting it, give yourself permission to take a pause before you respond. Commit to taking a few breaths before answering, or practice saying “
let me take a look at my schedule and get back with you this afternoon”, or make it a personal policy to give yourself a set amount of time before responding to a request. 

Giving yourself space to check in with your aura supports you giving a thoughtful and empathic yes or no. This discernment will give you more energy. When you give yourself permission to say no, you free yourself up for the things that energize you and bring you joy - those are your unequivocal yeses. Let your aura provide direction and guidance, let your crown remind you of your limitlessness.  

Yoga and meditation give you a number of practices to strengthen, balance, and connect with your aura and your crown chakra. 

Here is a short practice for you to work with these energy bodies this month: 

First, movement that will give you a quick boost, helping you feel strong and expansive

  • Sit in easy pose with your legs crossed
  • Interlace your fingers, arms straight
  • Inhale and raise your arms up, exhale and bring them down
  • Breath and move powerfully for 1-3 minutes while visualizing your aura growing and strengthening, rippling out and away from you
  • To end, inhale deeply and exhale. Sit for a moment, breathing normally, and notice how you feel.

Remain in easy pose for this meditation to feel limitless and connected:

  • Sit tall with your hands resting on your knees
  • Close your eyes and roll your eyes up as if you were looking through the top of your head. If this is uncomfortable for you, close your eyes and keep them relaxed but focus on the top of your head
  • Breathe long and deep. With each inhale, feel your limitlessness. With each exhale, feel your connection with the Infinite.
  • Continue to meditate for 3-5 minutes. 

This month, use these 3 practices: taking a pause before responding to a request, the arm pumps, and the meditation to increase energy, strength, and your connection with yourself and all that surrounds you. 

With love,

P.S. If you’re ready to learn the 3 daily habits to reset your energy, join the waitlist for Six Weeks to Sustained Energy - coming this fall.


Photo: Garten-gg


(much like this blog post!)