March focus: Digestion and creativity

Mar 07, 2023
March focus: Digestion and creativity

I consider March to be a mile marker month. When the cold weather and winter hit - I find myself calculating how many months until March. It helps me settle into winter, and reminds me of the temporary nature of seasons. Through this, I appreciate the beauty of each season and the unique set of gifts it offers.  

Living in a city where we get to experience four seasons offers a wonderful mindfulness practice of taking time outside to observe changes that are taking place. While I love the peace and stillness after it snows, I also get excited when I see the first robin of the season - this happened Saturday morning! It’s quite timely as we have the Worm Moon today/tonight. This month’s full moon is named the Worm Moon because it's the time of year when the ground softens and the earthworms push up toward the surface (perhaps you’ve seen evidence of them), providing food for the robins and other migratory birds. This re-emergence signals that spring is here.  

Numerologically, March is the 3rd month with the 3 representing digestion and creativity. If your digestion is feeling sluggish with the heavier foods of winter, consider eating one mindful meal a day. A mindful meal is one where you focus solely on eating and enjoying your meal. This distraction-free meal is devoid of books, devices, computers, work, socializing, and music. It’s you and your meal. Use your 5 senses to engage with your food - what do you see, hear, feel, smell and taste? Chew each bite 30 times, putting your fork down as you chew. Taste and experience your food, and notice how you feel once you’re done eating. Take a few minutes after your meal to sit quietly, this further supports digestion.

Finally, lean into creativity this month. Meditation is one way you can stimulate your creativity. Try meditating before writing, creating art or music, or cooking. Meditation connects you with your soul, your purpose, your inner knowing - let your creativity flow from this space. Use this time to pick up a project that you’ve gotten away from, or start one you’ve been meaning to begin. Allow all that’s been bubbling within you during the winter months to come up to the surface, nurture it and watch it grow and thrive.

We still have a couple weeks of winter left, but this transition is a beautiful time to embrace the quiet, cool mornings and celebrate the vibrant changes that come with each new day. 

With peace and love,

Photo Credit: Stephani H. from Pixabay


(much like this blog post!)