Whether you frequently hop on planes or never leave your block, you travel

Dec 14, 2023
exploring by train - city, country, inner self

I just returned from a two week trip from Argentina and Chile, three to four days each in Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Santiago, and Patagonia. City, country, city, country. I love them both. I need them both. And, as sad as I felt to be leaving South America at the end of this trip, I was happy to get home to do my laundry, go to the grocery store, pick out my ingredients and go back to eating simple foods cooked with my own hands. 

This back and forth from exploring the world with the different cuisines, terrain, and amazing people to coming back into the most familiar spaces and routine is a gift I’m truly grateful for. Even the part of having to figure out how to pack for a trip like this and put them all into one carry-on suitcase and a backpack (because I prefer not to check my bags) is an exercise in how to travel light. To have to go through airport terminals and security is an exercise in timing, patience, asking for direction, and also a physical one in big airports. 

The different currencies helped me learn where the strengths and weaknesses are. The subject of money reaches beyond and into culture and politics. Even when the dollar is stronger, it doesn't necessarily mean the people are happier. I know this may seem obvious, but is it? A flight attendant spent some time talking with me and Larry about the issues that plagued Argentina today, and in the end, he said he wouldn’t leave his country for the world. He is happy there. 

Coming back, I know two women who lost their husbands - one almost exactly a year ago, my first cousin, leaving her with three children between the ages of 5 and 14. And then a good friend who lost hers less than four months ago during a big trip about an eight-hour flight away from home. 

And my 21 year old son - and she - trying to mend their hearts from a recent breakup not from lack of wanting to be together. 

I spent my first day back from this trip not only doing laundry and restocking my fridge, but feeling the heartaches. At the same time, what’s not lost on me is the immense love felt that is the root of these heartaches. 

We travel in many ways. All along this planet, and between our head and heart, as time delivers experiences to us even when we never leave our block or take big risks. 

We get to bend with what the Universe opens up for us, or even closes for us, and we get to choose from many doors and sometimes teeny tiny cracks. 

The world is getting smaller every day, and the speed faster, with the technologies that keep getting more sophisticated at an almost alarming rate. 

We need to know how to discern. When to ride these gifts and when to get off. When and how to connect with others and how to turn in and connect with our infinite intelligence. 

The holidays often magnify our joys and our struggles. 

Remember to take the time to find the stillness within. There is so much wisdom there. But not only that. There is an immense amount of power within to let go of drama and fear. And there is a deep well of support that you may not even know exists. You can find it when you let your brain surrender and you allow yourself to feel and let the intelligence in your body take over. Release happens - you may laugh, you may cry. You may tantrum, you may desire. Allow yourself to go into this total state of presence. This is where you heal and activate your power to thrive. In prayer, ask for your voice. Ask for courage. 


Divine Mother, Heavenly Father
May we be free from the obstacles of illusion
May we be led to the shores of fulfillment
May we know what to do, where to go, who to talk to, and what to say
May we be healed, loved, and fed
And may peace dwell in our hearts and on this planet
Sat Nam (truth is our name)


Love, Savitree


(much like this blog post!)