Your Guide for 2023

Jan 03, 2023
Your Guide for 2023

Numerology can be used as a guide in your life and in your practice. You may have had a numerology reading or looked up your own numerology based on your date of birth. You can also consider the numerology for a given year. 


For 2023, we can look to two numbers for guidance and information about the year. The first number is the overall number of the year which we get by adding 2+0+2+3 = 7. In Yogic Anatomy, the 7 relates to the seventh body which is the Aura. Your aura is your protective force field which can expand nine feet all around you. You can connect with your aura as your trusted friend and confidant. Check in with your aura throughout the year. When you’re feeling uncertain or indecisive go to your aura for guidance. Think of it as the expanded version of your intuition. 


The second number to consider is the Gift number of the year which we get by adding the last two numbers of 2023, 2+3 = 5. In Yogic Anatomy, five is the Physical Body. Lean into the support of this Gift number as you focus on your health and healing. This five also has qualities of communication (embrace conversation this year), travel and adventure. Through this, you may find yourself feeling enthusiastic about getting out of your comfort zone and embracing new challenges and experiences. 


Here’s how these two numbers work together this year. 


While the five is excited and adventurous, the seven is more analytical and wants to slow down and know why. You may feel like you have an abundance of energy and can do it all, but use the strength of your aura as a way to check in and help you discern what you desire to say yes to. Remember - it’s important to say no so that you can say yes to what moves you and brings you joy. Let your aura provide direction and guidance, let your physical body embrace the challenges she desires. It may be helpful to give yourself some space before saying an immediate YES! Practice saying, I’m excited about this, but let me get back with you tomorrow, or allow yourself 30 minutes to an hour (or longer) before replying to a request. Take this time to check in with your aura so you can give a thoughtful and emphatic yes or no. 


Finally, the beginning of the year (and winter in general) is an opportune time to reflect on the past and prepare for the future. Now that you know what to consider in the year ahead, here are 3 journal prompts to reflect on or write about: 

  1. What did you find most challenging to work through in 2022? 
  2. What did you learn about yourself, through the challenging experience that you will carry into 2023? 
  3. What is your word for 2023? 

With love and gratitude,



(much like this blog post!)