4 ways to create balance in your body

May 09, 2023
4 ways to create balance in your body

This month, we’re focusing on the number 5 in my yoga classes as it’s the 5th month of the year. Last week, I wrote about the 5th chakra and shared exercises you can practice to balance and open your throat chakra. 

In yogic anatomy, the number 5 also relates with the 5th body which is your physical body, your temple. Your body is your connection between heaven and earth. Finding balance is the challenge of this body. Balance can be a tricky word, and perspective is important here. Balance doesn’t mean that each area of your life gets allotted the exact amount of time and energy, it means you’re paying attention and moderating versus living in extremes. It means if you have a particularly busy day or week at work, you’re prioritizing rest and play the following day or week to restore yourself. Areas to consider are finding balance in your body and mind, in how you eat and move your body, and in play, work, and rest. 


Here are my 4 tips to create and maintain balance in your body: 

  1. Drink your water. This has become a default for me. If you’re feeling cranky, have a headache or sore muscles, feeling snacktacious - my question is… have you been drinking your water? It’s easy to get busy with work or a task and forget to hydrate yourself. But it’s vitally important! We are about 60% water and when you stay hydrated you’re keeping your mood and brain regulated, your immune system strong, your joints lubricated, and you’re ensuring your cells are getting the nutrients they need to function properly. Make it a point to keep your water nearby as a visual reminder to take sips throughout the day. I recommend sipping hot water throughout the day, even in the warm months. It helps your digestion and keeps you steadily hydrated throughout the day. Boil water the night before and fill your hydroflask. In the morning, the water will be hot but sip-able. Start your morning with a few sips, and continue throughout the day. 
  2. Move your body. A teacher once said during class - bend so you don’t break. It’s the yoga equivalent of move it so you don’t lose it. Sure these are little sayings, but they’re filled with truth. If you’ve even been on bedrest due to illness or injury, you know how painful it can be to get out of bed after not moving for even just a few days. Your body becomes still, muscles start to atrophy, and your mood suffers. Taking time to move your body every day is critically important! A number of studies show that moving your body for just 30 minutes a day can improve sleep, reduce risk of heart disease, improves mental health, and overall improves your quality of life. It doesn’t even have to be 30 consecutive minutes. Moving for 10 minutes 3 times throughout the day is just as good as going for a 30 minute walk. Think of gentle movement like yoga or walking. This is simply about moving your body, and embracing your body for what it can do. 
  3. Chew your food. Forget diets, what you “should” be eating, or when you “should” be eating it. Eat what you enjoy and enjoy what you eat. Chew your food well and eat mindfully as you nourish your body. Start with one meal a day (or one a week) where you can mindfully prepare your food. Eliminate distractions and engage your breath as you wash, chop, and prepare your meal. As you cook, engage your five senses - what do you see in the colors and textures, what do you smell as you chop and cook the food, what do you feel as you wash, chop and assemble your ingredients, what do you hear as you add your food to the pot, what do you taste as you adjust the seasonings? Play with your senses again as you eat your meal, taking time with each of the five, making your meal a sensory experience. 
  4. Play & Rest. If we’re talking about creating balance in the body, we must talk about time for play and rest. I happened upon this quote by Adam Grant, “A busy life is not a symbol of status. It’s a symptom of trying to do too much for too many people. A full calendar brings a surplus of stress and a shortage of energy. Reflecting and relaxing should be top priorities. Unscheduled time isn’t wasted. It’s invested in well-being.” If your calendar is full of work, tasks, and obligations, take a moment to schedule in play and rest. That time may become unscheduled and more spontaneous later, but for now - schedule in time to read, nap, have coffee with a friend, take a pottery class, or crochet. If you’re already scheduled to the hilt, start with 30 minutes a week and grow it from there as you can. This space for play and rest will expand your creativity and your capacity. It isn’t a luxury, it’s a priority. 

I invite you to incorporate these four practices into your life and observe your experience. In the spirit of creating and maintaining balance - practice this over the next four weeks: take this week to focus on drinking water, next week to focus on movement, the third week to focus on chewing your food, the fourth week to incorporate play and rest. Practice one at a time or add the new practice each week so that by week four you are engaged in all four. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, but you might find it helpful to start with one new habit at a time and build from there. 

Our Self-Practice gives you lots of tools to support your work on your fifth chakra and fifth body this month. From meditations and yoga sets, to full classes, to recipes and journaling prompts, to sound healing and guided relaxation - we’ve got everything you need to live authentically, with balance, energy and purpose. And, you get to practice as it best suits your schedule and your needs. Start your free trial today.



Photo: GidonPico Pixabay


(much like this blog post!)